It was considered the most dangerous route in the Hills, but as my reputation as a rider and quick shot was well known, I was molested very little, for the toll gatherers looked on me as being a good fellow, and they knew that I never missed my mark. I made the round trip every two days which was considered pretty good riding in that country. Remained around Deadwood all that summer visiting all the camps within an area of one hundred miles. My friend, Wild Bill, remained in Deadwood during the summer with the exception of occasional visits to the camps. On the 2nd of August, while sitting at a gambling table in the Bell Union saloon, in Deadwood, he was shot in the back of the head by the notorious @Jack @McCall, a desperado. I was in Deadwood at the time and on hearing of the killing made my way at once to the scene of the shooting and found that my friend had been killed by McCall. I at once started to look for the assassin and found him at @Shurdy's Butcher Shop and grabbed a meat cleaver and made him throw up his hands, through the excitement on hearing of Bill's death, having left my weapons on the post of my bed. He was then taken to a log cabin and locked up, well-secured as every one thought, but he got away and was afterwards caught at @Fagan's ranch on Horse Creek, on the old @Cheyenne road, and was then taken to @Yankton, @Dakota, where he was tried, sentenced, and hung. I remained around Deadwood locating claims, going from camp to camp until the spring of 1877, where, one morning, I saddled my horse and rode towards Crook City. I had gone about twelve miles from Deadwood, at the mouth of @Whitewood Creek, when I met the overland mail running from Cheyenne to Deadwood. The horses on a run, about two hundred yards from the station; upon looking closely I saw they were pursued by Indians. The horses ran to the barn as was their custom. As the horses stopped, I rode alongside of the coach and found the driver John @Slaughter, lying face downwards in the boot of the stage, he having been shot by the Indians. When the stage got to the station the Indians hid in the bushes. I immediately removed all baggage from the coach except the mail. I then took the driver's seat and with all haste drove to Deadwood, carrying the six passengers and the dead driver. I left Deadwood in the fall of 1877, and went to Bear @Butte Creek with the 7th @Cavalry. During the fall and winter we built Fort @Meade and the town of @Sturgis. In 1878, I left the command and went to Rapid City and put in the year prospecting. In 1879, I went to Fort @Pierre and drove trains from Rapid City to Fort Pierre for @Frank @Witc then drove teams from Fort Pierce to Sturgis for @Fred @Evans. This teaming was done with oxen, as they were better fitted for the work than horses, owing to the rough nature of the country.